Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Faithing, or acting in trust on God's word is 90% courage. God always keeps His word. A lot of times we start thinking that He doesn't, because we don't know when God will keep the promise. God's clock is different than ours. We mostly want everything to happen right now.
I got the above came from an unsigned website and its so true.

With a father who worshiped idols and a city dedicated to wickedness, Abraham was not raised in the best of environments. Yet, when God called, Abraham believed God and by faith followed God's instructions. Hebrews 10:8, states that: "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whether he went."

But Abram did disobey from what I can tell because God told him to leave his family and take his wife and possession and He would show him a place. Abram took his father, Terah and Abram suffered for it. Arriving in land of famine and later Abram lied that Sarai was his sister, instead of his wife, and taken by the Pharaoh to be one of his wives. It doesn't say how long Sarai lived that way until God delivered her from that situation.

Abram didn't arrive to the land that God promised him until after his father had died. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I often think of my own situation. Moving to this unknown land. Mississippi, it's called. Who knew???? But I knew that I was suppose to come. Nothing more. It was just that easy of a move. A few years earlier, I was offered a post in Atlanta paying $89,000.00. I still have the offer letter. After accepting the offer, I couldn't get one box packed and ultimately walked away. Oh, they were angry with me. It wasn't that way with this move. It went to easy and smooth.

Until I agreed to bring my mother with me. I truly believe that like Abraham, I was to leave with just my family and possessions. She brought confusion and her different beliefs, like Terah brought along with him with Abraham. She's brought and brings other families members who have added to the confusion and my lack of peace.

I'm sure that the rest of my journey is on hold until this is removed or I am removed from this presence.

I thank you for the spirit of discernment and understanding. For the bible studies of Esther, Ruth, Daniel and the Patriarchs. I pray that God will continue to teach me and guide me in the direction of His will.

In Jesus name I thank and praise you my Father,

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