Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Ermea Russell", Attorney, Judge, Joke: Mississippi Bar Complaint Update

Subject: RE: Docket Number: 11-234-1
Date: Thu, May 24, 2012 1:26 pm

New Update!

(Note to Readers: I apologize for not posting any new entries ... but I am committed to keeping this entry as the first read until a decision is made by the Mississippi Bar Association)

There has been some delay in the Committee’s consideration of your complaint, due in part to the recent death of Ms. Russell’s sister. The Bar is actively investigating your complaint and I anticipate that the Committee will consider your complaint at the June 14th meeting. Should the Committee render a decision at that time, you will be notified in writing within a month of the meeting date. Should the Committee not make a decision at that time, then it would be considered at a meeting in September/October of 2012. 

 General Counsel
The Mississippi Bar
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Docket Number: 11-234-1
Good Morning,
  1. Any update with my complaint?
  2. Is this timeframe typical of an investigation?
  3. Are there extraordinary circumstances operating that are unknown to me???

Thank you,
I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. 21 Pay attention to him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will not forgive your rebellion, since my Name is in him. 22 If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you. 23 My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Apr 27, 2012 11:16 am
Subject: RE: Docket Number: 11-234-1
A decision has not been made at this time. An investigation in this matter is ongoing.

Legal Assistant
Office of the General Counsel
The Mississippi Bar
643 North State Street (39202)
Post Office Box 2168
Jackson, MS 39225-2168
(601) 948-0568 direct
(601) 608-7869 fax

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Winding Roads

Hi God,

44 and I have been down the road and back. A little with Ree's help ... sabotage!

I am hoping that we are back on track ... between the my scheduling at work and his availability I'm hoping that 44 is in for the long haul.

44 got his orders .... Houston, Texas in July. Still waiting for the promotion list to come out ... that may, yet,  send him some place else.

44 says I'll visit ...  I'm hoping ....

He's definately taking his time ... can't fault him ... I understand that meeting family will be a huge step for him. 44 has become a part of this family ... Ree and 44 ... 44 and Ree ... that's how my decisions are made with consideration ...

God, show me direction,

Love you alway,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hi God,

44 is back from Saudi. Things just feel the same .... shouldn't there be some excitement, some anticipation about seeing the other. I don't get that from him.

Yesterday we went on our first bike ride since his return. Without telling me, he invited another soldier to ride. Normally I wouldn't have minded but this was my time with him since his return. Secondly, the soldier didn't bring his girlfriend with him.

When I got off of work yesterday, noticed 44 had called several times and left a message for me to return his call. When I did, he said he was on his way to track. Not okay, I'm ready to leave for the track was waiting to hear from you .... Perhaps, because he already had plans on riding with or without me.

I really consider my time with him riding as being very special. I just don't think we're on the same page. I try to anticipate when it comes to him. Is there anything that I could do to assist with .... and not anything specific ... just whatever.

Yesterday, it felt more like he was riding with the soldier than with me ... it was different. The soldier kept riding ahead, then 44 would leave me to catch up with him. He crossed intersection, where before he would wait. Then why didn't they just ride??? Because I asked 44 to ride was that why I was along???

The telling point ... 44 asked why I was riding so slow ... "You're killing me." I did tell him I know my way back. Perhaps I should have told him how I felt about the guest. I said to him that when I'm feeling like I am riding by myself ... then you can't be slow. His reply, "I gotcha." and rode off, leaving me at mile marker 8. He left me on the trail to go catch up with the soldier who rode off with a group of riders that were going more his speed. I was glad to see him go. 44 followed behind shortly after. Slap me in the face.

Remembering I had 44 keys with me ... I knew he would be waiting. What I didn't anticipate was the soldier would still be there! WTF!!! Whatever. Perhaps that says it all.

I don't feel like a couple. He doesn't involve me in the stuff of his life. He'll talk about his past. It will be a year ... never invited me home with him, I am almost sure that he hasn't spoke of me to his family. He hasn't made that commitment to me on any level ... not expressed to me.

Him leaving me on the trail ... left me feeling abandoned, alone.