Friday, January 30, 2015

Nancy's Second, Third, or Forth time! SMH!!!

From:Parker, Nancy -MS -KBOSSS <>
Cc:Parker, Nancy -MS -KBOSSS <>
Subject:RE: Re:Good Morning
Date:Mon, Dec 16, 2013 12:44 am

Thank you for answering me.  It’s such a strange situation as no one who has the keys “claims” they were in the house. Obviously  someone was but not fessing up.   Honestly when you originally sent this email to me about someone being in the house and the few things that you noticed, I didn’t know what to think and still don’t.  If you were a drinking woman, I would just thought you did this but you don’t drink like that.  Glad you are undamaged and so is the house.  Putting a pole in the sliding doors is never a bad idea.  And the cans at the front door may startle an intruder/uninvited guest. Plus you will be able to see when someone comes in since you only use the garage.  Good.
Look, Yolanda, I know that you are mad at me from my previous emails on this same subject and my thoughts are that this is just the way it’s going to be with us.  Your way is your way and my way is way.  It’s feels like our friendship is really on the skids.  Hopefully we can repair.  And also when I say that my email is up and down over here; it really is. This morning at the house, I didn’t have gmail or FB.  Yesterday at work, I couldn’t get into my work email.  Some of this up and down with the internet is repair work after we had the flood on Nov 19.   Like I posted that info on an Ombudsmen job over here in FB.  I didn’t say specifics on the job as I know it’s a tight field and you have other ombudsmen on your FB.  But it  is no corporate secret as the person resigned or end of contract; whichever, they left or will be leaving at the end of the pay period here in Kuwait.  You have been looking for work as an Ombudsman so I wanted to get that info to you as soon as possible.  A thank you should have been in order from you to me but not a snap “why did I post this on FB?’  But once again your way is your way and my way is my way.  We really don’t know how to talk to each other. 
I will say this, I have rented out my house to my cousin starting June 1, 2014.  Bobby talked about staying in my house for 2 weeks next summer and I talked to you about this before.  You said he could stay while you were there.  He doesn’t want to do that.  He wants to rent out my entire  house all summer and maybe until Halloween which would be nearly to the end of my contract here in Kuwait.   You staying in my house at this time has been a good deal for the both of us.  But things change and  I would like you to be completely out of the house by May 15, 2014.  You now have plenty of time to prepare for the next location.  I do hope that you are able to secure a job in your field before you have to leave my house.  I wish you only the best of luck.
Merry Christmas.  Have safe travels to Florida and enjoy your daughter, your sailor. : -)
Nancy L. Parker
Project Supervisor, PWD, K-BOSSS

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