Hi God,
First day back from demobilization. Asked my husband ... how about us spending the night together. To my surprise ... I got an unanticipated rebuttal. He asked, why spend one night together? I'm thinking why the discussion.
I explained that I have hopes for us, our marriage. With the months apart from the deployment, we would be able to begin rebuilding, fixing, the foundation of our marriage. Continue the work I thought we were doing in our nightly conversations. Yet, I did want to move all the way back into the master bedroom for the same reasons. There has been a lot of broken promises, commitments, betrayal, disrespect, the spitting, name calling, JAIL! ALOT OF GARBAGE TO SORT THROUGH.
After my efforts were rebuked, I went on upstairs to my bedroom leaving him in the living room. Later, I noticed he's in his bedroom with the door closed. Deja Vu!
I went down to his bedroom to cut of the television ..... his cell phone ringing .... 11:30pm. I look at the phone face and its a number with a name. Itching to answer I don't .... send it to voicemail .... Guess what ... God, I know you already know, lol. It's rhetorical. The number call back! Ok, now we know what time it is. Still I didn't answer but "she" did leave a voicemail this time.
So the next morning, I had Sean a piece of paper with the number on it .... "I don't know this number" he says. Whatever! I offered this is a good time for an explanation, an opportunity to clear up this lie and explain. Nope, he kept to his story ... TELEMARKETER! SMH .... REALLY!
Well, I texted the telemarketer:
"Good morning, This is Yo, the wife of Sean______. You called him last night while he was sleeping. He didn't have your named saved to his phone. So I just took down the number. When I presented the number to him this morning, he doesn't know it. You wil not be the first woman that my husband has not disclosed his marital status. Therefore, I have no issues with you. Unless you knew. You know now. You have my number."
I told Sean about the text. He said she's going to call you. In surprise, why? She has no reason to call me ... she should be calling you! Maybe she did, I'm not sure. But when I went to go check my phone. Surenuff, I had a missed call. I called her back. "Hello", "Hello" she replied. "I'm sorry I don't know your name but I don't need to." She asks, "Is he with you now?" "Yes, right in front of me" "May I speak to him." "Surely" "Sean, the telemarketer would like to speak to you." "Ah, ah, ah" "Mam, I think he doesn't want to speak with you on my phone. I think he's going to call you back from his phone after he leaves our home." "Ok" "Good-bye"
Will his lying and cheating ever stop. There is never any remorse. Just the opposite. Now, the name calling is back: Bitch, Whore, Leach, Freeloader! He's back!
Took liverwurst out of the fridge to eat. Sean hurries out of his seat to the kitchen grabs the sandwich meat from my hand, out of my mouth, and the remaining package on the counter, Sean, I rather throw it in the trash than to allow you to eat it. The turkey burgers he snatched, I'll piss on them first. The bag of coffee, he threatens to open and empty in the trash.
God, you would of thought that I did the betraying.
As long as I have you Lord, I'll will be okay,