Friday, November 11, 2011

Hurdle Two .... and Over!

Hello Lord,

The past two days .... incredibly stessfull but I survived. Thank you.

Dorian being locked up for Failure to Appear! Traffic tickets!!!! He's learning. His girlfriend bailed him out. This is the first time I haven't had to put up the money. Thank you.

FEMA's deposition done. Ms. Russell represented me well. Thank you.

44 came by the store to say good-bye .... 5-weeks ... the life of a soldier. Not the way I wanted to say good-bye. It's better than him leaving and not seeing him at all.

Past 90 days, as of October 24th, I am wondering how he's feeling about me.

I have invitations to dinner but have declined. In the past, I would have considered as a potential transfer point. Bail from the unsure! Start fresh with the brand new feeling of relationship and attraction.

44 said the first 90 days are when you experience the euphoria of the new person, new attraction, heightened sexual energy and lust ... then the shiny starts to dull and you begin to see the person as they really are ... are they deal breakers???? or points of negotiation, compromise or simply a communication message yet to be communicated. I hope to have a conversation with 44 when he returns.

I'm reading a book entitled, "His Need, Her Needs .. Building an Affair Proof Marriage. Basically, it keeping the feeling you felt the 90 days for the duration of the relationship. Securing "the relationship" will be for the rest of one's life. I want the dinner dates to be with him, the intimate conversations to be with him, disappointments and achievements with him, the name placed in the spot "In Case of Emergency" All of that ... for him.

Lord, you have kept me close my entire life. Thank you.

With all my heart,

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