Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another Pinapple Dessert Experiment:

Hi God,

How are you? Right now it feels like a tightness in my chest ... so many things going on that are totally out of my control. I just really need to relax and take a deep breath.

Found another reciipe for 44: Pineapple Cake in my Biscoff Cookie catalog. Order the cookies today. Here it is:


16            Biscoff
2              oranges, peeled and sliced
4Tbl         butter
2 tsp         sugar
10 oz.       fresh pineapple
4 Tbls       lemon juice
4 oz.         cream cheese
3 Tbls       sugar
1 Tbl         heavy cream

Peel and core pineapple and cut it into bite sized pieces. In a small pan, cream the butter and sugar then stir in the pineapple. Cook over medium heat for 7 to 10 minutes. Stir in lemon juice, remove from heat and add the tarragon. set pineapple sauce asside to bring to room temperature.

Beat the cream cheese, heavy cream and sugar until smooth.

Place 2 Biscoff cookies each in the bottom of 4 glass dessert bowls. Cover cookies with a slice of ornge. (I'm going to try it in a baking pan)

Add a tablespoon each of cream cheese mixture and pineapple sauce. 

Repeat steps 7-9.

Decorate with  crumbled Biscoff.

Recipe by Chef Philippe Conticini

Monday, February 20, 2012

When God is Your Boss

“For exaltation (promotion) comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another”
(Psalm 75:6–7, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
I know this man who was upset because his boss was really against him. The boss was always trying to make him look bad and would never give him any kind of recognition. The truth is that his boss was jealous of him. But, this man just kept being his best, working unto God. There were several promotions that he should have received, but because of this unfair boss, he was passed over.
One day the CEO of the corporation was in town, and this man had to make a presentation. The CEO was very impressed. About a year later, a position became available that should have gone to the man's boss, but the CEO bypassed the boss and called this man directly. Today, instead of working for the unfair boss, the tables have turned. The boss is working for him.
Always remember, promotion comes from the Lord. When you stay faithful and keep a right attitude, that’s when God will promote you. One touch of His favor and things will totally turn around! Keep abiding. Keep being faithful. Stay on that high road. God will make your wrongs right and promote you in your due season!
Father God, today I humbly submit myself to You because You are good and faithful. I choose to work and live according to Your Word because I love You and desire to honor You. I receive Your mercy and grace today so I can live a life pleasing to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Sunday, February 19, 2012

God said, Yolanda, You are NOT ALONE!


I enjoyed entering all, three of Your houses today: Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, Destiny Christian Worship Center and Bethlehem Baptist Church.

Pastor James of Faith Tabernacle delivered his message from Luke16:19-31. Lazarus laid at the door of the rich man asking for crumbs from his table, asking to be fed, full of sores. Lazarus died and the angels delivered him to the bosom of Abraham.

The rich man died and was buried ... to live his eternal life out in torment in Hades.

Destiny Christian Worship Center's service was already in progress ... I went in and had a seat. No sooner did I sit down did the Pastor of this house beckon a parishioner to the front. Several of the women encircled her and laid hands upon her. I immediately went into prayer for God's Will to be done, stretching my arms and hands into their direction like a transmitter.

Then there was the offering of the Lord's Supper. I hadn't had the opportunity to thank the Lord for his sacrifice for me for such a long time ... before my resignation from Bethlehem.

Onward to Bethlehem, such mixed feelings, ill feelings .... But the Lord showed up in a mighty way for me. The man of the this house, Pastor Galloway, did an altar call for prayer. Two people went up ... I went up ... went into prayer ... Pastor Galloway never made his way to me ... perhaps he wasn't suppose to ... don't know ... just know that the Lord didn't bring him to me for prayer. Instead, the Lord spoke through Jamie, the Music Director, one of God's angels ... I love his evangelist spirit and a voice that make the heavens sway back and forth. Jamie place his hands in the middle of my back and began to speak the words the Lord gave him for me. I'm never alone, He is with me, I am restored! Go forward with a bold spirit!

The Lord used me again as a transmitter of His Holy Power into Jamie for increase. We were a blessing to each other and to all who were watching ... I don't why God used us ... but I'm glad to be His chosen ...

I made the opportunity to go and speak to Miss Tina ... now, Mrs. Jones. Wanted to clear the air with her .... not that I felt that I had to or needed to ... but wanted to .... I really wanted her to know that I hoped there was no ill feelings. I'm sorry that Sherman's misconduct was the cause of a lost friendship.

I enjoyed seeing Abby, Gertrude and Mom (Sherman's mom). They all received me with such big hugs, sincerity and love.

It felt good today to resolve things with Bethlehem ... not sure that I want to return there ... feeling fine at Faith Tabernacle ... want to hear the messenger of Destiny Christian Worship Center.

It was a wonderful day in this life of your servant.

Now, I ask you God to cover 44 in his travel back to Mississippi --- safe travel.

Bring him back to me with a renewed heart, renewed spirit ... open and available to receive all that life and love has to offer...

Amen, and Thank You Lord,

Friday, February 17, 2012

Good News

Hey God,

First, thank you for all that you do for me. I ask your continuing covering over my family and the women in my bible study. A special prayer for Ms. Pat and her husband.

Second, I apologize, dear God, for breaking my fast today ... It's so crazy ... I turned down the cup of coffee while at Ms. Pat's but went to the credit union and all I could think about was having a cup of the Keurig coffee. I sipped on the coffee from the credit union to the dress shop to Walmart. I didn't remember until I had taken that last sip and was putting the cup in the trash ...BAM --- my FAST! Blown!!

Took Ree and her friend to the Chinese restaurant and ordered an ice tea ... I drank it ... didn't want to send it back ... should have just left it ... but I did drink the entire glass.

Felt like I was one of the disciples that fell asleep while Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane. Twice he found them sleeping.

Lord, I'm back on track.

Thank you today for Ms. Pat opening her home and allowing me to share fellowship and this week's bible study, Beth Moore's David, Seeking a Heart Like His.

Confirmation: today's study: Three Hebrew Boys and the Fiery Furnance.

Thank you God for my dreams ... thank you for speaking to me thru my dreams ... I don't know why you bless me this way ... but I thank you so much!!!!

Today, we reflected on questions:

What has been my highest, my apex, my summit with God?
  • My private moments before God,
  • When I know in my deepest place that God knows my name.
Have you ever been in place where you felt so overwhelmed that you have no strength? Your legs just collapse underneath you to where you are sitting before God instead of kneeling? Yes!

One day at a time. God, overcome me with the strength that is not mine own.

Thus far, the Lord has Helped me.
Thus far, ---> to This far!

You are God! We know we've come so far when we can make the shift for our plans for God to God's plans for us.

Scriptures that tell us God wants good for me!

God, I adore and trust in your words. Thank you,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Foot in Mouth Again ... Bridle my Tongue, Lord


My foot in my mouth again! I promise, prayerfully, it will never happen again!

Just like then, I was wrong! So wrong!

Went to work but came home early ... This mess with 44 had me sick to my stomach.

He was on the answering machine ... "No, I not seeing anyone else!" He stated that he was very offended. Thought I was screening my calls ....

I called him back .. he was quite stern with me. He agreed to come by today. I thought it would be about dinner time .... but no, lunch hour.

That's when it happened ....

I saw the dinner room table set up with candles in heart shaped boxes of candy.

Went into the frigidaire and there was the dinner 44 had prepared for us! How small I felt ... and a bottle of wine! The same as  the one at his house ... sparkling green apple ... But I am on a fast this week of no breads and only water to drink. So, the green apple will have to wait.

I guess I do need to get a phone ...

When 44 arrived, I met him with the hugest apology and promised never to doubt him again.

So, I heated up the dinner he cooked red beans and rice, fried chicken and greens. I fed him and then I FED him to make my amends.

Now, he sleeps .... I'll never doubt him again, I promise.

Thanks again Lord for chastisement,
Put me in  an oven and refine me Lord, so that I may be worthy of this righteous man. Amen

Zechariah 13:9

New International Version (NIV)

9 This third I will put into the fire;
I will refine them like silver
and test them like gold.
They will call on my name
and I will answer them;
I will say, ‘They are my people,’
and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.’

Busted Valentine


Thank you for my health and strength. Thank you for loving and providing for me. You, alone God...

I was so hurt last nite ... he doesn't even fathom the hurt ... or its easier to ignore and it ... "And keep it movin" as he says

I asked 44 what plans he had for us for Valentine's ... he joked it off ... What day is that?

Well, he said he was broke ..  okay, its not about gifts but it about how you feel about me ... how I feel about you ... Is it one day out of the year .... No, but it is a day set aside by the calendar to take time out

I asked him to cook me dinner .... he agreed, at his place.

I waited and awaited. Sexy red corset awaiting ...  with the white tag ... after a finish the first sitting ... a cut the tag out :)

After two hours, I called Ree only to find out that he was at my place waiting ...

He believes I should have called Ree after 30 minutes had passed.

I believe that once he arrived to my home ... he should have turned around and made his way home ...

His comment, "how long were you going to wait... 3, 4 hours?" I felt so stupid at that point. I would have waited ...

Then, "You messing up my schedule." What does that mean???

I don't know .... but it doesn't feel like I'm a priority .... Never an apology ... I felt like the confusion was made to be my negligence.

What happened to "as long as a see a smile come upon your face .... I'm doin what I'm suppose to do"

If there's someone else ... I don't need or want this.

I handed him his present in the parking lot ... He didn't even know that I wore the red sexy stuff under the trench! He left mines at the house .... he didn't invite me in. Kissed me and gave me a hug. He might as well slapped me on the ass ... Excuse me, Lord ...

It felt like he came to tell me my alloted time had expired and he needed to "keep it moving" to maintain his "schedule".... He had somewhere else to be ... don't know that ... but it felt like it...

I don't want to be part of his "schedule" ... I had hoped to be part of his life. I had hoped that he cared for me as I was caring for him.

I really don't want to go to work today ... last night made me feel ill ... heartache ... heartbreak. Couldn't sleep ... I have such a headache.


Monday, February 13, 2012

I Look Up to Him

hEY GoD!


That's just too much work!

Last nite I asked 44 if he had any questions for me ... Surprisingly ... he did ...

But not at all about what I thought ...

How many guys have I dated since arriving in Mississippi .... hmmm ... where did this come from?? Although, I didn't ask him to clarify ... I answered based on the relationship that had an expectation of commitment and monogamy.... not the casual dinner or dates ...

I don't know God ... but I answered him: Sean, the retired Marine Lt.; Carl, the Constable; and Mitch, the local guy ... Not sure why he wanted to know about that???

His conversation then focused on Mitch ... Mitch stayed for what ... 3 weeks ... then moved out ... back into his trailer ... we kept seeing each other ... there was no betrayal ... different values, expectations ... goals. Eventually, we grew apart. If you ask Chicago ... he would say Mitch had a hidden agenda ... and when that didn't pan out ... he moved out .... away from the responsibilities of being the head of household ... being involved with a woman with large responsibilities ... children, my mother, homes, cars, bills ... and a large career! Mitch did say my world was toooo big for him. I, too, began to lose respect for Mitch ... didn't see him in that position at all, worst not capable ... or maybe he just didn't want to do that. Perhaps, he just wanted to be taken care of ... soak up ... without giving back!

Well, I thank you God ... my prayer for me it that You are enough for me. When You place me where You want me to be it will be.

I enjoy my time with 44 and wish for more .... he's taking it slow. I respect that most about him. he's wants to make sure she's, me, is the right choice for him ....

Cool beans ... that's what he said in response ... I guess everything, whatever that is, is good.

One husband: my man, my lover, my friend ... that's my prayer for me.

Is it 44 --- only you know God. I will say God that this is different than any other ... and as it should be ...

I purchased another book, Blessing to Your Husband. God, if someday you decide to bless me to be a wife ... I do want to be a blessing to my husband: to take care of him, his needs ... to pray over him for health, strenght and protection... for covering.

Is 44 my boyfriend ... I guess I'll find out tomorrow .. Valentine's Day

Till tomorrow,
Always in love with you ...God,

Monday, February 6, 2012


“I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead”
(Philippians 3:13, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We all go through disappointments, setbacks and things that we don’t understand. Maybe you prayed for a loved one, but they didn’t get well. Or maybe you worked hard for a promotion, but you didn’t get it. You stood in faith for a relationship, but it didn’t work out. One of the best things you can do is release it. Let it go. Don’t dwell on it anymore. If you go around wondering why things didn’t work out, all that’s going to do is lead to bitterness, resentment and self-pity. Before long, you’ll be blaming others, blaming yourself, or even God. You may not have understood what happened. It may not have been fair. But when you release it, it’s an act of your faith. You’re saying, “God, I trust You. I know You’re in control. And even though it didn’t work out my way, You said, ‘All things are going to work together for my good.’ So I believe You still have something good in my future.”
There is power in letting go of the past and the frustration of trying to figure everything out. When you release your questions, you are saying, “God, You are in control. I trust You.” And when you put your hope in God, that's when He can heal your heart and lead you forward into His path of blessing.
Father God, I come to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Help me to forgive and release the past. Heal my heart and restore my soul. Show me the good plan You have for my future as I keep my mind stayed on You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Thank you God,

I wanted and thought appropriate that the  last 5 minutes of my two-day fast be spent on mediating on God.

So, I went to my bible, flipping through to see what the Lord wanted me to read

There was a page already turned back ...

Daniel ... skimming through Chapter 1 .... then two .... reading about the King Nebuchadnezzar

Then what do I read ... Chapter 3 .... The three hebrew boys in fiery furnace!!!

Love you so much,


Dreamin Tornados -- My Interpretation

Hi God,

At first I was pondering if the tornados were more, bigger storms coming ...

But now I believe:

There were blus skies behind the clouds

This huge storm came straight at my ... threatening my life, my existance

It shock the house I was standing in, and passed over attempting to take away the roof ..

But it passed, the roof and house in tact! Thank you God!

And the shadowy firgure by side me .... The Holy Spirit. The Lord put into myt spirit of the three hebrew boys in the firey oven and King said, or whoever, that there were four shadows present ....

I had shelter, a  place of refuge

As all ways! God, You Alone will always have me!

Thank you for the storm and bring me through! The storm is over! It's over ... My restoration and prosperity is NOW!

Thank you God!
Thank you God!