Friday, February 17, 2012

Good News

Hey God,

First, thank you for all that you do for me. I ask your continuing covering over my family and the women in my bible study. A special prayer for Ms. Pat and her husband.

Second, I apologize, dear God, for breaking my fast today ... It's so crazy ... I turned down the cup of coffee while at Ms. Pat's but went to the credit union and all I could think about was having a cup of the Keurig coffee. I sipped on the coffee from the credit union to the dress shop to Walmart. I didn't remember until I had taken that last sip and was putting the cup in the trash ...BAM --- my FAST! Blown!!

Took Ree and her friend to the Chinese restaurant and ordered an ice tea ... I drank it ... didn't want to send it back ... should have just left it ... but I did drink the entire glass.

Felt like I was one of the disciples that fell asleep while Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane. Twice he found them sleeping.

Lord, I'm back on track.

Thank you today for Ms. Pat opening her home and allowing me to share fellowship and this week's bible study, Beth Moore's David, Seeking a Heart Like His.

Confirmation: today's study: Three Hebrew Boys and the Fiery Furnance.

Thank you God for my dreams ... thank you for speaking to me thru my dreams ... I don't know why you bless me this way ... but I thank you so much!!!!

Today, we reflected on questions:

What has been my highest, my apex, my summit with God?
  • My private moments before God,
  • When I know in my deepest place that God knows my name.
Have you ever been in place where you felt so overwhelmed that you have no strength? Your legs just collapse underneath you to where you are sitting before God instead of kneeling? Yes!

One day at a time. God, overcome me with the strength that is not mine own.

Thus far, the Lord has Helped me.
Thus far, ---> to This far!

You are God! We know we've come so far when we can make the shift for our plans for God to God's plans for us.

Scriptures that tell us God wants good for me!

God, I adore and trust in your words. Thank you,

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