Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Mother --- Criminal Minds, "The Longest Night"; Season 6, Episode 1

As I was watching tv and surfing, half listening,  the character - JJ, reaching out to a serial killer over the radio. The words resonated with me ... What a mom is suppose to be, suppose to do...

I missed, miss even now at 52, not having a mom. Someone that you could just tell anything, pains, hopes, dreams, wishes ... a protector, provider, nurturer, caregiver, advisor.

I may not have been afraid of her, but I was always afraid of becoming her. Being like her. Passing that "like" on to my daughter.

Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau: [voiceover] A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another, the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But, if these minds get out of harmony with one another, it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden. -The Buddha

"...but I am a mother.
I know ... it's just not fair.
And no one can make that better,
I wish I could, I do,
But if I could somehow go back there, you know,
And make what was happening to you stop,
I could just pick you up and just tell you it'll all be okay.
That's what moms are supposed to do.
They're not supposed to be the cause of your pain,
They're supposed to make it go away.
They're supposed to hold you and tell you everything is going to be alright.
They're supposed to tell you that thunder is angels bowling.
And that it's okay to be afraid of the dark, and it isn't silly to think there might be monsters in your closet.
And that it's okay if you want to climb into bed with them just this once because it's scary in the room all alone...
They're supposed to say it's okay to be afraid,

And not be the thing you're afraid of.

But most importantly, they're supposed to love you no matter what."

June Cleaver, Florida Evans, are  the first two moms that come to mind. Unconditionally love.

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